The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-09 - 10:17 p.m.

Gen's Questions

1. Has Diaryland and/or the internet really helped you in reconnecting with the SCA?

Yes, not a lot but some. Anything that gets me thinking about doing "stuff" is good. Any communication is better than no communication. I'm reminded about all the wonderful people who I love hanging around.

2. What did you do for fun/as a hobby during your recent SCA downtime?

I didn't do very much. Computer games occupied too much of my time.

3. Why did you choose the Sun in Splendor for your arms? Does it have any particular meaning?

The arms of Her Majesties Power Authority really caught my eye. They're very modern, of course, but had cool stuff. I took the idea for the Son in Speldour from that. One of the things I like is that it can be spelled Son or Sun. Like so much symbology from period it has a lot of religious symbology. Jeff tends to be anti-religion, Richard can't be, the Son reminds me to try to keep to that part of the persona. Besides, it helped keep the colour scheme I wanted. Anyone notice I copied Gyrth's color scheme?

4. What was your favorite peerage ceremony/peer made during one of your reigns from a Crown point of view? Has there been one since your time on the throne that made you say "wow!"?

It's probably the knighting of Klaus and Axel at the war. Everything went great with Klaus' ceremony. Then we started Axel's ceremony. I started off with "Klaus..." after several heart beats, I couldn't keep from laughing. I almost fell on poor Axel. Of course, he was a great sport about the whole thing. If you refer to him as Sir Klaus, he'll laugh. It would be good if someone did that to remind him of his humble beginnings. :)

5. Is there anyone that you'd like to get to know better for any reason?

I'll avoid the obvious Rene Rousso, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Portman, Halle Barre, Jennifer Connely, Sarah Michelle Geller, Jamie Lee Curtis choices.

George Bush and Ted Kennedy to see if there's really any difference.

God, if anyone's home.

Each and every fighter who's authorized in armored combat for the last two years. There's something odd going on in our community and I'd love to try to figure it out.

Each and everyone who goes to an event in Atlantia. In the SCA, I've met just a few people who I really didn't want to be around, everyone else is a treasure. Well, some are diamonds and some are nice zircons.

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