The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-03 - 6:54 p.m.

Sir Richard Mobray's Questions:

!.) What are five things you would change about the SCA- major things- and why?

Gee, five things, doesn't that count as five questions? :)

a. I'd change the rank structure to be the medieval rank structure. Knights wouldn't be peers, etc.

2. In a related change, I'd change the Knights, Laurels, and Pelicans to the Knights of the Sword, Knights of the Laurel, and Knights of the Pelican. I'm not greedy, I think all of these wonderful people should get to be knights.

Tertius. I'd add the a term limits rule. For each crown you've won, you have to wait that many years before competing in another crown. One of the worst mistakes I've made was winning two crowns one right after the other. I was an Earl for all of three weeks (I record I believe) and zero events. And, I really like that title!

IV. I'd professionalize the Board of Directors. I know trying to do something like this before didn't work. I believe the board should be composed of people who aren't primarily SCA members. Instead, the board should set up a series of working groups of people like the current directors to handle things like disciplinary issues and other issues that don't belong before a board of directors.

Five. I'd replace all combat arrows with golf tube arrows. This would infuriate many of the combat archers, but it would solve so many problems.

2.) If there was anything you could redo in your own SCA history, what would it be and what would you do differently?

Given what I've said before, I should say fighting in Crown right after stepping down from the Throne. I could say that I should have taken the job of Society Marshal on a permanant basis when I had the chance. These two are pretty trivial upon reflection.

I think it might be any of the blows I've missed. But, I think I really regret all the times I've unintentionally hurt peoples feeling. These occaisons are too numerous to pick one.

3.) If you had your youth and health back, would you spend it in the SCA?

Absolutely! I don't think there's anything in the human experience like the SCA. Even with all it's warts, I wouldn't want to give it up.

4.) Which 5 period sources have most affected your participation in the SCA?

Another five part question? I think that makes a total of 13?

Henry V

The life of William Marshal by some French writer

Canterbury Tales

I'm going to dither on this one since it's so hard to find primary sources for the Hundred Years War. I'll choose the body of work (almost all secondary sources) I've read about the 14th century and the Hundred Years War. And, and honorable mention to all the secondary sources about the Roman Legions.

5.) If there was a time and place in all of history that you could go to and be immersed for 1 year, what would it be?

Are you going to promise personal safety? If so, I want to be one of Henry V's squires during the year leading up to and including Agincourt.

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