The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-08-06 - 10:08 p.m.

You were

You came a long way from your humble birth in a log cabin in the Kentucky frontier in 1809. Your family moved to Illinois when you were 21, and at age 22 you become a surveyer, shopkeeper, and postmaster in Springfield. In 1834 you got elected to the Illinois state legislature, where you first denouced slavery publicly. In 1836 you got your law license. At the age of 33 you married Mary Todd, and had four children. Unfortunately, one died at age 4 and another at age 12. After losing the election to Senate, you became nominated as the new Republican party's candidate for president. You won the election, just as southern states began seceding from the Union. You became the president that saw the nation through its bloodiest war to date. During your second term in office, the same year that Robert E. Lee surrenders and ends the Civil War, you were shot in the Ford Theater by John Wilkes Booth. Later that year, the Thirteenth Amemdment to the Constitution abolished slavery.

Which Leader Were You in a Past Life?
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Oh My! I'm a republican! Well, if that's the price of being Lincoln, I'll gladly pay it. After all the 19th century Republicans were the liberals of the period. How many of you politically astute people out there are aware Lincoln is the reason that the Democratic party was so successful from shortly after reconstruction at least until the middle of the last century? All those psudeo dixie Democrats would have been Republicans if it hadn't been for Lincoln.

You were
von Beethoven!

Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, and moved to Vienna where he was influenced by Bach, Haydn, and Mozart. It wasn't long, however, before he was creating music that was uniquely his own, which was loved every bit as much in his day as today. He never married but took several lovers. Beethoven also had no children, but treated his nephew, Karl, like a son. He was hardworking and cantankerous at times, at other times full of humor.
Which Composer Were You in a Past Life?

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Of course! I'd have to be the deaf one, after all, both my parents are deaf.
Hey, want to hear an ASL joke? Q: Why are you always staring at my butt? A: I'm lip reading.

I saw another doctor today about the pain in my hip. He said it's was called Meralgia Paresthetica [sp?], I didn't know that. He said that it's not a well understood problem, I wasn't surprised by that. He said that it causes pain but no functional problems, I knew that. He said that I should lose more weight, I knew that. He said I should keep taking the Celebrex. I knew that. What a waste of time. I think I really underestimate how badly these kinds of things affect me. I just lit into Andrew with both barrels, without good cause. I'm having a lot of trouble getting back into my Pennsic prep (more important) or getting anything done for work (less important).

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