The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-31 - 7:52 a.m.

There's nothing I hate so much as my own stupidity. I really hate it when I do something that I know is a bad idea and do it anyway. Arrogance is the usual inspiration for such poor judgement.

Almost all of my post to the knight's list was a very good message. By including part, but not all, of Cuan's post I committed the mortal SCA sin of unintentionally insulting someone. See, there's another clever turn of phrase that's out of place. I also committed the common internet sins of inappropriate cut and paste as well as improper redistribution. [Heavy Sigh] I'm not sure what I hate more, being stupid or being common.

As a result, I got to bask in the glow of self-satisfaction for a couple of hours and I'll have to live with yet another episode of stupidity prompted by arrogance. Now, I have to figure out how to convince everyone, especially Cuan, that I didn't mean what I said. There's a message that I hate. I shouldn't be surprised that Cuan saw through all my rhetorical gimmickry and is holding me to task for what I really said, intentional or not.[wry grin]

I know my demons, I just wish I was less comfortable with their company.[shaking my head]

jack and eliz on island
You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love."
You're more than a little world-weary, but also
intelligent and you keep your head when things
get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite
drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get
in the way sometimes.

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