The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-30 - 12:55 a.m.

I seem to over react to things these days. I used to be laconic and phlegmatic but these days... I just posted something to the knights list that was probably over the top. Let me include the part that's probably excessive.

Yes, I�m very aware that arrogance is almost a required attribute amongst this group of perpetually testosterone poisoned frat boys. But, when this arrogance undermines the marshals, I get a little peeved.

So, is this over the top? Is this just one "testosterone poisoned frat boy" railing against others? Certainly, this is an unfair generalization. There are many knights who aren't anything like that. Well, not all the time anyway. :)

I just finished "Hidden in Sight: Web Shifters #3" by Julie E Czerneda. It's an excellent series. Given our recent "discussions" about gender related behaviour, it's nice to note the rise of this female writer that hasn't caused any fuss, either positive or negative, due to her gender.

It used to be that a female science fiction writer couldn't break into the field, then when it did happen, it was always noteworthy. I think it's heartening that no one seems to care about the gender of this particular writer.

I really like all of her work. And, it's not just because she's the namesake of my favourite grandmother. What, you don't think she was named after my grandmother? You think that the fact that they have the same name is coincidence?

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