The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-07 - 6:37 a.m.

550 meters in the pool! If I add 50 meters a session and do at least two session per week, can I reach a kilometer before Pennsic?

Since I know everyone who sees me thinks "Wow, what a physical specimen, I wonder what his routine is?"

Sets of three, first a half lap crawling with a breath every third stroke. Second half lap is a crawl with a breath every other stroke. Third half lap is breast stroke. By crawl, I mean both the stroke and the speed. I'm pretty sure I can swim faster than the dread web toed sloth but slower than anything else.

Seriously for a second, I like the crawl for cardio conditioning, back and ab conditioning as well as some upper arm and chest conditioning. I like the breast stroke for catching my breath :) and working on my legs. Doing a correct frog kick is a coordination exercise as well as leg conditioning.

I've often thought that the karate animal representations had some merit to them that I just couldn't grok (who remembers grok?). But with the swimming I think I begin to understand. The perfect breast stroke could be copied from a frog. The perfect crawl would be from any cetacean. They're so good at the the butterfly and crawl, they don't need arms.

I figure I can do the crawl, or the butterfuly even better than a frog. I think I'm better than a frog at the crawl and better than an orca at the breast stroke. (Cut me some slack here, aren't those are funny images, a frog doing the butterfly, or an Orca doing the breast stroke?)

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