The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-01 - 10:58 p.m.

I've had a huge amount of fun at fighter practice the last couple of weeks. I'm not ready to get in armor yet but I think I might be close. I'm guessing I'll be ready before my armor's ready. I've been pretty lucky since I've not been taking it as easy as I should. I don't know how, but I hurt my right shoulder a bit. I think it's just a little strain or something. Wait, I know! I caught it from Colin! I didn't think things like that were contagious but with demonic lefties, who knows what kind of evil spirits manifest around them!

I've only just started reading the prologue, but it's already quite obvious to me that Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" should be mandatory reading for everyone in the SCA. I'm reading it in modern English, but I'm looking forward to reading it in the original next. So, Gyrth, how come this isn't on the squire's reading list?

I'm also reading Edmond's "Paradoxes of Leadership". It's amazing! Just a teaser: We lead better when we listen than when we talk.

Duke Stuff

I object! I object most strenously! I can not explain how strenously I object!
Duke Cuan
Which Atlantian Duke are you?

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If I'm not even in the list of possible results, I'll probably go ballistic! :)
I'd rather be slandered than ignored

I remember a Pennsic evening, someone sang a song that mentioned a bunch of Atlantian Dukes. I have a vague recollection that Bryce either wrote it or sang it or both. Duke Barry (An Atlantian duke but don't worry if you don't know him) was sitting next to me during the song. I was lampooned quite nicely. Barry attempted to capitalize on what he perceived as my discomfiture with some forgettable sally. I responded "At least I was in the song! I must have missed YOUR verse?" He quailed visibily. I should not take such joy in victories over incompetent opponents, but Barry has alway brought out that kind of attack from me. My favorite was Barry to me just after his second crown win, "Hey now I'm a duke just like you!" My response, You're half right. Yes, someone had to explain it to him. And he knows I love him too!

It's been soooo good talking to so many people I've missed for so long. But, in a more melancholy moment I realized I really, really miss Anton and Lunedd. It's sad and ironic that for all the wonderful ways that Anton had for pissing people off, the final act (so far?) followed from his greatest virtues.

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