The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-06-20 - 12:27 p.m.

Colin suggested that this e-mail message to him would make a fine dairy [sic] entry:

Well, one of the perks of being a duke is that everyone cares about your opinions. Even if it's to deride them behind your back. I doubt it's much different for knights who aren't dukes yet.

My history in the SCA is one of some success, some earned. A great woman once said "I owe a lot to the kindness of strangers." [a great man once said that baseball been berry berry good to me.] I've been very lucky in many ways. It makes me believe in the idea of a state of Grace.

Ben Franklin was a great diplomat. My ability to be a diplomat is either very good or very bad depending on my audience. I'm working on my top 10 reasons for still being in the SCA. A lot of my list will be the same as Gyrth's. But Number 1 will be the satisfaction of teaching fighting to students with a clue and the incredible feeling I get watching a light bulb go off over a fighter's head.

I also believe that I have more than a couple of bouts left in me. :)

By the way, number 2 on the list is friends like you and family like the clan.

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