The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-06-27 - 8:23 a.m.

Bryce's questions, my answers...

1. You recieved your Pelician several years after you were knighted. Was this award difficult for you to accept because you saw your service as a knight as part and parcel with your service to the kingdom, or was this an easy accolade for you to accept?

It was very difficult. I still feel a little uncomfortable around the "real" Pelicans. Essentially, I received the Pelican for service as Earl Marshal and Society Marshal. Senior marshals are traditionally knights. I really felt that I was just doing what a knight is supposed to do. Each knight should find a niche where they can best serve the kingdom. That's all I was doing.

2. What is one small thing that Anne does that drives you crazy? Makes you smile?

It drives me crazy when leaves containers not quite closed. I smile whenever I see her playing with the cats.

3. Recently you have been dealing with some difficult health issues. What is the hardest part of long term/chronic illness to deal with?

One of bits of wisdom I've gleaned in recent years is that everything is connected to everything else. It's difficult to choose a "hardest part" because it's all tied together. But, I'd probably choose the feelings of powerlessness and isolation as the hardest parts. One knows what one should do, but that's not enough.

4. Discribe the following people using only one word:
Gyrth: Brilliant
Melisende: Wonderful
Dafydd: Original
Gilmer: Big
Klaus: Committed
Loric: Sociable

5. What is the biggest difference between being an SCA Knight and a medieval knight (besides the horses....)

The biggest difference is rank. The medieval knight wasn't necesarily nobility nor a peer. That leads to huge differences in social status.

I'd give honourable mention to the chance of being killed or maimed while doing your job as a significant difference.

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