The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-07-25 - 9:03 a.m.

I hate trade paperbacks. It's like hardcover prices and paperback quality.

I sold my first book this month! Yes, I'm trying to write. Like so many Society people, I think that I may have talent for writing, but that's not what I'm talking about.

Not so long ago, it seemed like I was moving every couple of years. I decided I had to stop moving all my books. I donated 22 photocopy-paper-boxes of them to an Easter Seals book sale and took the tax deduction. Though I hated to let my books go, anything that didn't sell was going to be tossed. But, it turns out that the people who frequent an Easter Seals book sale, like the kind of books I donated. The books were gone before the sale was half over. They asked me what they should sell them for, I told them $5 a piece and 3 for $10. They disappeared by the dozen at 3 for $10. I'm afraid I low balled what could have been gotten. But, I was happy that none had been thrown away, the Easter Seals people were estatic (my books were almost 1/4 of the books available and 1/2 of the total sales), and I got a tax deduction.

Well, I started to accumulate books again, of course. But, now I'm selling them on Amazon. I've sold several books this month. A couple of books, I bought used and sold used for right around the same price. Again, it's anything to avoid having to store them except tossing them out. Fortunately, it's not a hassle for me to stop by the post office once in a while to send off a book.

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