The Diaries of Richard Fitzgilbert

and Jeffrey Sussman

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2003-06-22 - 7:02 p.m.

"the hint of chlorine in my hair smells like pride" - Soozie
How cool is that! I did 500 meters today. Stronger today, I did half my crawl laps three counts to a breath instead of two. The water was perfect. Cold when I first got in but nice once I got going.

At Saphire past, during the evening meal, Gyrth decided to get everyone introduced and talking with a typically clever rhetorical gimmick. He asked everyone to introduce themselves and to let everyone know their favorite color and their favorite letter. In typical obsessive fashion, I've been thinking about these questions ever since.

The Most Noble Letter

Long have we ignored the plight of the poor letter Q. A perfect circle marred by a cruel stab from below and the right! So badly wounded that it is virtually unable to accomplish any spell without the assistance of it's constant companion, letter U. Yes, it is the letter U, that I believe deserves our praise. What other letter provides such service to another of its kindred? For this great diligence, this simple curve deserves our recognition.

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